I Got Pickled!

I first tried pickleball while visiting the beautiful Gambier Island, BC. It's happened. I've been pickled. This past winter, I finally tried the fastest growing sport in North America - pickleball. Here's what you need to know: In 2023, the Sports & Fitness Industry Association declared pickleball as America’s fastest-growing sport for the third year... Continue Reading →

Paddle Boarding Adventures

Sometimes a familiar activity opens the door to new experiences. Paddle boarding has become familiar to me over the past number of years in Mexico. But each trip out into the Sea of Cortez seems to bring new adventure. Just last month, we stopped to snorkel and besides seeing so many beautiful fish, there were... Continue Reading →

The Northern Dream

It must be the old newspaper reporter in me. My writing these days is all online. Much of my work involves "ghost writing," so nobody knows it's me who wrote a blog post or website content. For those clients who publish with my byline, it is fun to see my name associated with my work.... Continue Reading →

What I’ve been up to

Happy holidays to everyone! Here's to a great year ahead. It's been a while since I've contributed to this site, writing "for fun" and for myself. That's mostly because I've been busy with some great clients. Oh, and paddle boarding - I bet that photo got your attention. That's the famous arch at the tip... Continue Reading →

New Beginnings

There’s something magical about spring. It’s true that where we live, every season brings its own beauty and joy. The sun and heat of summer, lake life, water sports, golf and gardening, and those long, warm evenings, sometimes with a thunderstorm for entertainment. Autumn with its stunning colours, bountiful harvest, bright sunny days and cooler... Continue Reading →

Love to Garden: Mushrooms

I love the process of growing the vegetables in my garden, or flowers in the yard. It's exciting to start something from seed and watch it progress, to the point of harvesting it to eat or simply marvelling at the colours of the blooms. But I didn't know I could grow mushrooms at home. At... Continue Reading →

Love to Garden: Sprouts

It’s really a joy to grow things yourself, harvest and enjoy eating them. Or to simply revel in the beauty of flowers you planted and grew on your own. This spring, besides planting seedlings for my garden, I got the idea to try sprouting. I forgot how much I love sprouts. I haven't bought them... Continue Reading →

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